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 To explore Geography through the soles of our feet.


St Anne’s C.E. Primary School we recognise the importance of Geography for each child, both in the here and now and in their future. We believe that geography inspires in children a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Learning at St Anne’s equips pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world helps them to deepen their understanding about the interaction between human and physical processes and of the formation and use of landscapes.

We want the children to understand Sale, their home, and how they can protect, preserve and develop their immediate surroundings for future generations. At school we encourage children to become courageous advocates for protecting the future of our world – this is demonstrated through the actions of our Eco Committee. We believe that children should experience Geography ‘through the soles of their feet’ and promote fieldwork across our Geography curriculum.

“The study of geography is about more than just memorizing places on a map. It’s about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it’s about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together.” - President Barack Obama, 2012 National Geographic Bee What do we aspire to?


  •  Our curriculum aims to inspire pupils to cultivate clear aspirations for the future, instilling in them a strong sense of responsibility as citizens and empowering them to lead rich and meaningful lives that contribute positively to the world around them.

  • Through our curriculum, we aim to ignite inquisitive minds that are curious and fascinated about the world and their people.
  • In Geography, we expose children to potential careers and future hobbies. We want our children to leave with clear aspirations for their future and confident in the practical life skills they have learned.
  • We provide a variety of enrichment activities in Geography – including exciting fieldwork opportunities for us to ‘explore geography through the soles of our feet’. 

  • Children are encouraged to challenge themselves with their learning becoming lifelong learners, fostering in them a positive mindset that embraces curiosity, resilience and a passion for continuous growth.
  • The geography curriculum and our St. Anne’s Learning Powers equip our learners with the knowledge and attitudes necessary to embrace new challenges, adapt to an ever-changing world, and thrive as individuals.
  • As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world helps them to deepen their understanding about the interaction between human and physical processes and of the formation and use of landscapes. 
  • Through the teaching of subject specific technical vocabulary and opportunities to apply this, children are able to articulately communicate their geographical knowledge and understanding.

  • Our geography curriculum is designed to cultivate  courageous advocates who protect the future of our world. This is  extended further by the hard work of our Eco Committee who lead the school in becoming more environmentally friendly.

  • At St Annes, we strive for pupils to understand their local area and how they can protect, preserve and develop their immediate surroundings for future generations

  • Our curriculum aims to foster respect and promote an understanding of the diverse beliefs and cultures of individuals within our local, national, and global community
  • Geography promotes understanding and respect for diverse cultures, inspiring students to aspire to be global citizens.
  • Our children learn how to become stewards of God’s earth, understanding how actions of ourselves and others impact the world and the responsibilities we need to have in the present.
  • Children learn how to care for and respect themselves; looking after their own physical and mental wellbeing.



Our enthusiastic staff guide students on an exciting journey through geography, sparking a profound sense of wonder about the world while nurturing a genuine concern for environmental quality.

  • Ignite Curiosity: We aim to provide pupils with a comprehensive suite of geographical knowledge and skills, enabling them to explore and understand the intricate relationships between Earth and its people.  
  • Explore Locations: Students will dive into the fascinating details of various places, discovering their unique physical and human characteristics and how these elements form the basis for geographical understanding.  
  • Understand Change: We help children grasp how Earth’s features are shaped and transformed over time, fostering an appreciation for our planet’s dynamic nature.  
  • Uncover Processes: Our curriculum emphasises understanding the processes behind key physical and human geographical features, their interdependence, and their evolution over time.  
  • Engage in Enquiries: Pupils develop crucial disciplinary skills, gathering and analysing information through hands-on experiences and conducting insightful geographical enquiries.  
  • Interpret Sources: We empower students to interpret diverse geographical information sources, from maps and diagrams to globes and aerial photographs, and communicate their findings effectively through maps, quantitative skills, and various forms of recording.  
  • Enhance Learning: Geography becomes a tool to strengthen pupils' capabilities in literacy, numeracy, and ICT, while promoting awareness of gender, cultural, spiritual, and moral issues.  
  • Connect Knowledge: We encourage pupils to link geographical understanding with concepts across all curriculum subjects, enabling them to tackle learning challenges with confidence.

We are excited to announce our new link with Vusvongo school in Vanuato Melanesia! This partnership is a fantastic opportunity for our students to connect with peers from across the globe, fostering cultural exchange, empathy, and global awareness.

  • Pen Pals Across the Ocean:
    Our Year 1 and 2 students, have exchanged letters with their Melanesian counterparts, building friendships and learning about each other’s daily lives, traditions, and cultures. This enriching experience has opened windows to different perspectives and strengthened our sense of global community.
  • Fundraising for Impact:
    We have participated in fundraising initiatives to support our twin school in Melanesia. Our efforts contributed to educational resources and community projects, making a positive impact on their lives and learning environment. Every penny we raised brings us closer together and highlights the power of compassion and solidarity.
  • Raising Awareness:
    Through this program, we will deepen our understanding of global issues that affect Melanesia, such as climate change, economic challenges, and cultural preservation. Our students will explore how these issues intersect with our own lives, cultivating a sense of responsibility and commitment to global citizenship.
  • We are so excited to be involved in this project as together, we can make a difference and build lasting friendships that span continents.



By the end of EYFS:

  • Most pupils will describe their immediate environment, drawing from observations, discussions, stories, non-fiction texts, and maps.
  • They’ll understand the similarities and differences between their local natural world and contrasting environments, explaining these through stories and experiences.
  • They’ll recognise key processes and changes in the natural world, such as seasonal changes and states of matter.

By the end of KS1:

  • Pupils will possess a foundational knowledge about the world, the UK, and their locality, using basic subject-specific vocabulary related to human and physical geography.
  • They will have begun to use this vocabulary and develop skills like first-hand observation and fieldwork to enhance their local geographical awareness.

By the end of KS2:

  • Pupils will have expanded their knowledge beyond their local area to include the UK, Europe, North, and South America, exploring significant human and physical features of the world.
  • They will engage with disciplinary concepts repeatedly throughout the curriculum, learning to investigate geography as professionals do, preparing them for deeper geographical learning in KS3.

We are excited about the journey ahead and eager to see our pupils grow into knowledgeable, curious, and environmentally conscious geographers!



Our children are happy learners who talk enthusiastically about their learning and are eager to further their progress in Geography. They are excited about the learning opportunities given to them.   

Geography is inspiring; the children want to answer their Learning Challenge question 

WOW moments hook the children into answering questions and encourage them to be curious

Knowledge organisers are used by teachers and pupils, this especially helps to deepen the understanding of vocabulary

Children have said they “I like geography because it’s interesting” and that they “love learning about the world ”

Geography challenges children, the pupil voice demonstrated that our pupils like geography and feel it was not too easy and not too hard - they enjoyed the challenge

Whole school overview 

Knowledge organisers 


These knowledge organisers identify the key information that your child will need to have learned by the end of their learning challenge. 


How do they help children? 

They provide the essential knowledge that children need to cover in their learning challenges and can be used as a reminder prompt during lessons or revision tools. 

How do they help parents?

They give you a clear understanding of what your child will be learning about each term and allow you to support and further their knowledge at home if you wish to. 

We have developed our own Knowledge Organisers to support the delivery of the curriculum which contains a list of technical vocabulary with definitions.

Geography Knowledge Organisers  Cycle 2 


 Autumn Care- Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place.pdfDownload
 Spring Inspire - Melanesia.pdfDownload
 Summer - Respect - coasts.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3


 Autumn- Care- Are all settlements the same.pdfDownload
 Spring term- What are natural disasters and what is their impact on our world.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2


 Autumn-Can I compare the United Kingdom to Venezuela.pdfDownload
 Spring-- Oceans.pdfDownload
 Summer- European Comparison.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3