SEND Information
I am Mrs McLoughlin and I am the SENDCo at St Anne's CE Primary School. I am the Year Two teacher and have been a SENDCo for the last 7 years. I hold the National Award for SENDCo’s which is a qualification all practicing SENDCo’s must have.
Our vision for the young people who have a Special Educational Need at St Anne's is to ensure that all pupils receive a high-quality education that is ambitious regardless of their need and/or disability. We believe that it is vital for the children to become equipped with the tools
needed so they become independent, inquisitive learners.
From 1st September 2014, there were new duties with regards to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND Code of Practice 2014). St Anne's remains committed to being an inclusive, mainstream primary school as part of Trafford LEA.
In order to ensure that we are continuously meeting the needs of our young people, we regularly review and develop the current provision on offer. This will be done in consultation with our students and parents/carers. It is important to ensure that there are clear lines of communication to ensure that the school and parents are working together to ensure the best outcomes for the student.
If you need to speak to me then please get in touch.
Telephone: 0161 973 7181
SEND School Offer: May 2024
Our School’s SEND Information Report explains what we offer children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) throughout their time with us.
The information report sets out a wide range of information about the specialist services, schools and organisations that can provide support and information for families of children and young people with SEND.
If you have any queries about information on this website you can contact our SENCO directly. We value parents and carers’ opinions and review and refresh our approach accordingly. The next review date for our School’s offer is May 2024
Included in the information report is our SEND policy - a document that gives more detail about our statutory duties and day to day procedures – for example how we plan the most effective support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and how we review their progress.
SEND parent survey results: February 2024
Thank you to all the families who took part in our SEND survey and made suggestions on how we can improve our SEND provision at St Anne's. To see what people think and our next steps as a school, please see the results below:
Trafford SEND local offer
Every local authority must identify education, health and social care services in their local area provided for children, young people and families who have Special Educational Needs or who are Disabled (SEND).
When we refer to our local offer, we mean all the services and organisations which are part of the support on offer in Trafford. Information about services provided outside our local area that local people are likely to use are provided on the website.
You can access the local offer online
They also have an outreach team who meet families and professionals in the community! It's certainly worth a visit to the website to find out what is on offer in your local area for a child or young person with special educational needs or who are disabled (SEND) and their families.
Parent Workshop on The Graduated Approach
Our Educational Psychologist, Dr Tracey Woodley-Hume led a parent workshop on Trafford's Graduated Approach to SEN. Please see the slides below to learn more about the graduated approach and how your child will be supported through initially receiving quality first teaching in the classroom.
Graduated approach for each area of need:
Trafford Family Information Service (FIS)
Trafford's Family Information Service provide free, impartial, confidential information and advice to mums, dads, carers, young people and professionals on a range of subjects including childcare, the local offer and an outreach service.
Who to contact
Telephone: 0161 912 1053
- E-mail:
- Website: Trafford Directory
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