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Children are always one tap away from expanding their knowledge and understanding of the world.

The possibilities are endless when pupils possess the skills to harness the power of computing to make a positive impact on their life and the lives of others.


In a world saturated by technology, it is our duty to equip our pupils with the knowledge and skills to get the most value out of it. In preparation for entering the modern working world where computer interaction is inevitable, we aim to offer diverse opportunities to practise key skills (programming, digital literacy & computational thinking) in line with the three strands of the Computing curriculum (Computer Science, Information Technology & Digital Literacy)  and become confident and safe navigators of their digital world. We recognise the role information technology plays in enabling our children to connect with others and consistently support them in becoming responsible, reliable and safe digital citizens.


Whilst computing demands a bespoke and progressive programme of study in its own right, designed to enable children to develop and extend their learning in key skills, the scope for cross-curricular learning is limitless; ranging from digital data collection in Science to photography editing in Art. Children should be encouraged to draw on computing skills to further their learning in all other subjects. Computing provides opportunities to use our learning powers and display all of the St Anne’s Values, as detailed below.


  • Pupils are inspired by the window into the world that information technology, and particularly the internet, provides.
  • Inspirational and diverse computing role models are incorporated into lesson content where possible and children are regularly reminded of potential career aspirations within the working world.
  • Pupils are encouraged to use their inquisitive minds and computing skills to create games and programs based on those they have been inspired by in their lives.
  • We offer enrichment activities such as extra-curricular computing Code Club to encourage children to explore their coding skills in greater depth. Code Club members have the opportunity to be mentored by a Code Club Volunteer from the computing employment sector.

  • Pupils are encouraged to use their St Anne’s Learning Powers and adopt a positive mindset whilst coding. Debugging is a crucial part of the coding process. It provides opportunities for children reframe mistakes as positive learning opportunities and demonstrate resilience as they strive towards achieving their coding objective.
  • Children are challenged to use computing to support their learning across the curriculum e.g. recording temperature changes during science experiments, creating graphic designs in Art, capturing images of their local area using camera apps in Geography.
  • Adaptive Teaching  in computing ensures that all children, particularly disadvantaged or those who have SEND, are supported to make progress and achieve. Pupils are monitored using bespoke assessment tools in order to track progress and secure learning outcomes for all levels of abilities.
  • All children, and particularly the increasing numbers of children with EAL within our school, are challenged to develop and use a wider range of computing-related vocabulary such as network, algorithm, and encrypt.

  • Children are supported to nurture healthy relationships and remain safe online and learn the importance of being responsible and respectful during all their online interactions.
  • Parents and Carers are supported in how to ensure their children remain safe online through regular communications and a digital Online Safety Parent Hub within our school-home communication tool.

  • Computing lessons provide a wealth of opportunities to work in collaboration with others towards a shared goal. Whether programming the Beebots to reach a target in Year One or coding a space-themed game in Year Six, there is a clear expectation that children work together respectfully and support each other in their learning experiences.
  • Children are supported to develop a greater understanding of the importance of healthy and positive online practices in order to safeguard their mental health and wellbeing
  • Children attending our extra-curricular Code Club are supported by volunteers living or working in our local community. 


We use Kapow Computing to support the planning and delivery of our Computing Curriculum to meet the National Curriculum Objectives for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.  Our overview of planning over the two cycles details the range of opportunities children are given to develop, practice and progress using key skills and knowledge across the three strands: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy. Alongside this, Online Safety lessons are also delivered across the school every 6 weeks. 


Knowledge Organisers


These knowledge organisers identify the key information that your child will need to have learned by the end of their learning challenge. 


How do they help children? 

They provide the essential knowledge that children need to cover in their learning challenges and can be used as a reminder prompt during lessons or revision tools. 


How do they help parents?

They give you a clear understanding of what your child will be learning about each term and allow you to support and further their knowledge at home if you wish to. 


We have developed our own Knowledge Organisers to support the delivery of the curriculum which contains a list of technical vocabulary with definitions.

Spring Term

 Knowledge Orgainser Challenge Spr 1 UKS2.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Orgainser Inspire Spr 2 UKS2.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser Challenge Spr 1 KS1.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser Challenge Spr 1 LKS2.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser Inspire Spr 2 KS1.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser Inspire Spr 2 LKS2.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Autumn Term 

 Knowledge Orgainser Care Aut 1 UKS2.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Orgainser Care Aut 1&2 UKS2.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser Care Aut 1 KS1.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser Care Aut 1 LKS2.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser Care Aut 2 KS1.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser Care Aut 2 LKS2.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Computing in EYFS 

Following the revision of the EYFS Framework in 2021, Computing or Information Technology no longer features within the Development Matters Curriculum. At St Anne's, we believe in the importance of providing our children with the foundational learning needed to become confident learners following their transition into Year One. To this end, our children are offered a variety of opportunities to begin practising their digital literacy, computational thinking and programming skills in both Nursery and Reception in order to support their learning in Year One. Children are encouraged to 'think like computers' whilst following a series of instructions or explore a range of hardware on our Technology Tinker Tables. Step-by-step guidance is offered as they explore with enjoyment the physical computing toys, such as Beebots or Codapillars before they go on to use these skills to complete tasks or solve problems in Year One. 

In line with the rest of the school, children in our Nursery and Reception Classes receive half-termly guided input on Online Safety using age-related materials such as  Jessie and Friends. 


The impact of our planning for Computing teaching and learning is evidenced in our floor books (KS1) and individual work books (KS2) together with Evidence Me in EYFS. Scratch projects can be viewed, where possible, within Scratch Teacher Studios. A selection of coding projects from across the school in the Padlet below. 


Children overwhelmingly enjoy Computing lessons. In a recent Pupil Voice survey, 50% of children interviewed rated Computing as one of their favourite subjects – the third most popular subject of the school curriculum.  Teachers, supported by high quality planning schemes and accompanied CPD for delivering inspiring lessons, report a sense of enjoyment and fulfilment teaching lessons children of all abilities are engaged and motivated to learn. 


Children remain safe online through regular coaching lessons. Teaching staff are equipped with the skills and resources to deliver reactive online safety update lessons based on known needs of the class. 


Throughout their time at St Anne's, children develop a love of Computing. Our extra curricular Code Club has often been over-subscribed. During each session, children get the chance to practice coding skills and pursue their own interests under the guidance of experts and mentors. 

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